2015 Sessions

Kareem Rahaman, Samantha Read

Breaking Down Silos – Empowering Colleagues to Leverage Social Media

Many of us in higher education work in silos, especially when it comes to social media. With accounts cropping up across campus it can be difficult to ensure your messages are heard above the noise....

Collaboration, Governance, Process, Social Media, Tools, Training

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Angi Roberts

Launch Your Own Social Media Ambassadors Program

Seven students for seven days. That’s the basis of our 100% volunteer based Social Media Ambassadors program at the University of Guelph....

Content, Process, Social Media, Strategy, Student Affairs, Training, User-Generated Content

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Melissa Cheater

One Tool to Rule Them All: Sprout Social at #WesternU

49 social media accounts, six faculties, eleven departments, three campuses with one social media tool and one training program....

Admissions, Analytics, Collaboration, Governance, Monitoring, Process, Social Media, Strategy, Student Affairs, Tools, Training

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2014 Sessions

Danielle Wintrip

How (and why) to make your colleagues better communicators

Or, how decentralized communications can make your job easier and more effective. When you teach your non-communications colleagues some tricks of the trade, they don't come after your job....

Collaboration, Frameworks, Governance, Process, Relationships, Training

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