Published on June 15, 2021

Photo of Samantha ReadSamantha Read

Assistant Director, Communications

Ryerson University

You’ve got the budget approval and you’ve registered for some upcoming conferences. Great! But how can you ensure you’re able to dive into sessions and come away with some helpful takeaways? 

Here are seven tips to get the most out of #PSEWEB and other online conferences you have in your calendar this summer! 

Before the conference: 

Map out your days

Take some time to review sessions and ensure you’ll be able to tune in to all that are of interest. This will make things feel less rushed, and you won’t miss anything reading through presentation abstracts. 


Pop on that out of office message

If you were at #PSEWEB in person you’d have an out of office alert and be fully committed to learn! all! the! things! Do the same in a virtual environment. Let your team know you’ll be offline for each half-day of the conference, close your inbox, and get ready to absorb great ideas and takeaways from your colleagues.  

Be an active participant

With this year’s #PSEWEB happening on Twitter, it’s easier than ever to chime in during a session. Follow along @psewebconf and engage with other attendees and speakers. 

Say hello to someone new

In a virtual setting it can feel harder to make connections, without the small talk exchanged before a session or while waiting for coffee. Set a goal to network and get to know two or three people over the course of the conference. Whether this is through sharing what resonated from a presentation with a speaker, joining in on a conversation in the back channel during a session, or just by sharing the breakfast or fancy coffee you’ve prepared to fuel your day, make a commitment to get to know a few new folks in our field. 

Take small breaks to stretch 

Take a few minutes between sessions to look away from your screen and give your wrists, back and shoulders a break with a few stretches. Your eyes and limbs will thank you! 


Review notes and session recordings

While the information is still fresh in your mind, review your notes and look for an actionable takeaway or two from each session, as well as relevant insights for your role. Think about not only your own work, but any opportunities for your colleagues or team. Demonstrating the immediate return on investment is a great way to lay the groundwork to attend other conferences and sessions in future, as well. 

If you purchase an All-Access Pass, you’ll also have access to session recordings on demand as well as exclusive featured and bonus speaker sessions. 

Stay connected

Speaking of sharing takeaways, reach out to presenters you enjoyed and thank them for their insights! Send a DM on Twitter, an email or find them on LinkedIn and pass along what resonated from their session. This also opens the door for you to ask future questions, if you think of something down the road.