Published on August 11, 2011

At work, I’ve just finished onboarding a fantastic new staff member and in her welcome pack was a bundle of websites and eNewsletters to subscribe to, in order to get acquainted with both the post-secondary education and web marketing industries.

The Top Ten, by Academica Group, was at the top of the list and is an amazing resource and one that I’m sure almost all of you already are familiar to seeing in your inboxes each morning.

eMarketer is another great daily newsletter that delivers statistics on a different subject related to digital marketing each day: https://www.emarketer.com/Newsletter.aspx

<uwebd/> (University Web Developers) is a list serve that I recommend to everyone in our industry as well – absolutely essential! Daily conversation from folks in positions at university and college web departments, primarily in North America.

The Case Communications Listserv is similar to <uwebd/> but focuses more on traditional marketing than on web/digital.

Are there any eNewsletters that you find useful? I’m sure there are many great ones out there that cover business, digital marketing, higher education or another relevant subject – any to recommend?