Published on February 24, 2015

It’s that time again, it’s #TeamTuesday!  This week, we will be interviewing Jared Lenover! Jared is the Executive Director for #PSEWEB! Let’s take a peak into his mind, shall we!

What’s your name?
Jared Lenover

Interviewer: Hi Jared!

What post secondary institution do you work for?
DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University

What do you do there?
I’m a Digital Marketing Officer. I help develop our websites and social media profiles.

Interviewer: Oooh, sounds fancy – we like!

One piece of technology, one caffeinated beverage and one social media platform… GO?!
My Pebble… mochaccinos… Twitter!

Interviewer: Sounds like a wonderful combination!

If you could go back to an older piece of technology for one day, what would it be?
Typewriters. There’s something satisfying about pounding out a page of text. Just you and the machine. No programs. No saving. Living on the edge!

Interviewer: *gasp*… No saving?! You sir, are brave!

Do you like poutine, yes or yes?
Yes. But of course, yes.

Interviewer: Poutine heaven fast approaches!

What are you most looking forward to in Montreal, aside from PSEWEB?
Being able to talk with people from around the country. Plus, spending time in the old part of the city in the summer.

Interviewer: Lovely! Great weather, great people, great place to be!

What to keep up with Jared?
Find him on Twitter or Instagram: @autoblot