Discover how a partnership between the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) and Paper Leaf enhanced critical aspects of the SAIT website. After launching a new website, SAIT identified that students faced difficulties navigating and accessing program information. Desiring improved and ever-evolving student UX, SAIT partnered with Paper Leaf to enhance the website’s usability and effectiveness.

UX research put the spotlight on key issues and ways we could better address student needs. Armed with fresh insights, we overhauled the site navigation, and created a new, purposeful program page experience. The result? A much more satisfying student experience and a significant boost in engagement and site performance for sait.ca!

In this presentation, we’ll reveal how a dynamic partnership transformed the student journey. Expect insights into:

  • How we used research and student-centric engagement to fuel pivotal changes.
  • How we balanced diverse needs to satisfy both users and stakeholders.
  • How we crafted new program info to be compelling, attractive and informative.