‘Sustainability by Design’
#PSEWeb 2025 is all about creating smarter, stronger, and more adaptable ways to keep our institutions thriving.
Sustainability isn’t just about going green—it’s about tackling big questions like:
How do we
- build accessible community and inclusive strategies?
- build workflows and teams that won’t burn out?
- streamline processes while staying creative and conscious?
- keep our work meaningful in a world that never stops moving?
This year’s conference blends cutting-edge AI with tried-and-true strategies and case studies to inspire fresh ideas for every corner of your campus.
Come for the tools and sessions, leave ready to rethink what sustainability means for your work and your institution.

July 17-18, 2025
This year, #PSEWeb explores how sustainability influences marketing creativity, teamwork, and technological innovation in the beautiful surroundings of Hart House.
Stay tuned for Accommodation & Ticket Options!