Personalization is the next tactic in your marketing toolkit, giving you the keys to make one-to-one marketing a reality for higher education. Many marketers are intrigued by the possibility of personalization, but wary of the content demands. But, marketers shouldn’t be intimidated. If organizations have a good content strategy with solid content assets, personalization is all about leveraging and reusing these assets. Your higher ed website CAN apply techniques deemed successful by e-commerce and retail websites to engage prospects and alumni. Personalization can help by delivering relevant content and calls-to-action to your visitors based on their personal consumer journeys – even before they have identified who they are. And, personalization provides opportunity to enhance your user data, giving you more insight into their intent, behaviors, and motivations. From stealth inquiries to accepted applicants, learn strategies to develop effective, sustainable, and unobtrusive digital personalization experiences that provide relevance for your constituents and ROI for you.