We all know SEO is important, but the real question is — are you using it properly? How do you track the performance of your keywords and discover new ones? How do you know if you’re creating the right content and whether or not it’s working?

Many marketers and communicators in higher education aren’t leveraging data for content planning. As Laurentian College recently underwent a redesign of their website and had invested funds into re-writing many pages, they needed to really start tracking the impact of their content investment.

Using Google Analytics alone, Laurentian could see the bulk of its website traffic (95%) was unknown. They knew they weren’t gaining much traffic from non-branded keyword searches. Effectively, by using just GA, they only had limited visibility into which keywords were driving traffic, but had no idea about ones they could/should include to increase their traffic. They needed to find a tool to tell them how their existing keywords/pages rank, which keywords they should be adding, which pieces of content they had some degree of authority for and how they ranked versus their competitors. A major challenge was finding such a tool at a price point they could afford with a modest higher education budget. Mintent has been their tool of choice.

Join Jeff Riddall, VP of Product and Customer Success at Mintent, and JP Rains, Director of Digital at Laurentian University to find out how Laurentian started using SEO and content analytics to create high converting content, as well as how JP and his team are making plans for further boost their content strategy, planning, and execution guided by data.

About Mintent:
Mintent is a Content Marketing Platform used for planning and creating content. It also offers a built-in SEO platform and content tracking capabilities to measure engagement across the entire content marketing investment, on and offline. With this type of data at your fingertips, marketing no longer requires guesswork.