Published on June 23, 2013
VIEW THE PRE-CONFERENCE GUIDE (parking, hotel, & access info)
The registration desk is just inside the ICBC Concourse and will be open for registration on Sunday as well as during the convention – check the schedule for the hours of operation. Come check in and get your awesome #PSEWEB totebags including your #PSEWEB Program with the schedule & info on the other events.
Remember if you are staying in the Delta the Centre for Dialogue building in which the conference is occurring is attached on the lobby & third floor. Hotel staff can help direct you if needed.
Wireless Access
Wireless internet is available in the session rooms! Just connect to the SFUNET wireless network and open your browser to be redirected to the SFU authentication login page.
The Computing ID is lw1304 and the password is 2013PSEWEB. (download the login credentials .pdf)
#PSEWEB on Guidebook
Want to know when those can’t meet sessions are? You can use your #PSEWEB program, but there’s also an app for that – we’re using guidebook to allow for easy use of the schedule while at the conference. Guidebook is available for iOS, Android, Blackberry and web-enabled devices. You can also use this app ahead of time to save your own schedule of the sessions you want to see. Guidebook download information available here.
Outside the Sessions
We’re really excited to have some great events happening alongside the actual sessions. Check them out!