Kelli is a Virtual Recruitment Officer at Ryerson University and an enthusiastic member of the Ryerson Ramily. Her portfolio is centred around hosting webinars for prospective students and applicants, but she also conducts research projects for the Communications Team, helps to curate Ryerson’s profile on digital platforms and acts as an extra set of eyes on copy for print and digital publications.
Kelli came to Ryerson after doing her undergraduate degree and working in admissions in the US, so when she’s not live on Zoom or determining if a comma follows branding guidelines, she’s likely sharing articles comparing the Canadian and American higher education systems over Slack. Her primary goal in the workplace is to make information more easily accessible to students, thus removing any potential barriers to their success. She has a particular interest in health and wellbeing on post-secondary campuses, and is excited to dive into this topic at this year’s first virtual #PSEWEB!