The walls are covered in posters, Instagram is practically all adcon and influencers, how do you stand out anymore? Learn how a few simple techniques to get your program noticed. By using hacks developed while building an event marketing startup for almost ten years, Sam brings insight into using tools around you to connect with your audience in relevant and meaningful ways and finding the right voice to relay your message to your audience.

Quick Hits:

  • Selfie Engagement (Get in that selfie! Brand building)
  • Strategic Event Sponsorship (How to spend your money the right way in right place!)
  • Maximize Class Visits (Yes, it does work to get faculty or students to promote your material, IN class)
  • Sponsored Content (How to use your student’s eyeballs to fund your marketing efforts)
  • ICUBE UTM, a formerly unheard of entrepreneurship accelerator on campus has become one of the most powerful brands in Toronto’s higher-ed entrepreneurial ecosystem. (PS, please no one from UTM attend this workshop and steal my secrets)